
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Placement Sites

Me and the Irish Sea
So now that jet lag has ended and the Northern Ireland/Belfast orientation has come to a close, I have started working at my placement sites, which has been awesome so far. Both places have been extremely friendly, supportive, and professional.

The 174 Trust is an organization with a diverse range of community projects in North Belfast. While I'm there I will be working with the after-school program, the special needs club, 174 Trust football, and hopefully a theater collective.

When I'm not at 174, I'll be at Woodvale Methodist Church. At Woodvale, I will speak at school assemblies, help out at the community cafe, attend the midweek prayer program, work with 0-3 year-olds in a program called Little Steps, study with the men's fellowship group, lead a young adult Bible study, and will be present at both services every Sunday.

This year just keeps getting better and better! Thank you all for your support and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. 0-3!! Wow! See? All those VBS's I made you lead are TOTALLY paying off now. ;-)

    Love and miss you!!
